Thursday 3 January 2013

Have A Fetching New Year Loves

This should have been posted on the first day of the year but better late than never I suppose. It’s a new year and for some another chance to fulfil the resolutions left untouched in 2012. This year, let’s skip the resolutions and work on goals instead. Make a list, check it twice, and day by day work your butts off to get everything done. Remember, Rome was not built in a day, and definitely not done in a week either. Take your time, develop clear ideas on how to get “it” done and then get out and do it one month at a time.

So my awesome little creole Dani Anthony let me in on a wonderful way to keep track of all my blessings this year and it is so FETCH I just had to share. What you will do is get a jar and label it 2013. For the rest of the year write down every good thing that happens to you on a slip of paper and place it in the jar. At the end of 2013 you can read those bits of paper and literally count some of your blessings.

Here’s to a fantastic year, may all your dreams come true <3 

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